
God loves a cheerful giver and we believe that when we give to God through our Tithes and Offerings it not only displays our love for God and His House ,but it is an integral part of our worship to Him. It is an act of Gratitude and acknowledgment that all we have is from God. 

God calls for us all to be generous and give from the blessings that He has given to us.

Thank you for all you sow into the work of the ministry here at Life Church and all that God is doing.

If you are a UK taxpayer then you can Gift Aid your donations at no cost to you. This allows the church to claim back additional tax. To complete your Gift Aid declaration please click below.

Online Giving

Notice: Test mode is enabled. While in test mode no live donations are processed.


Custom Amount

Personal Info

Donation Total: £1.00

Bank Transfer

You can give to the church by bank transfer or regular standing order.

Sort code


Account number

2461 6303

Account name

Word of Life Church (Poole)